Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Updates from the abyss, 6 months later.

Hail! Inhabitants of Cyberspace!

      So, I've been really lax with updating this blog yet again. But I've had a few people get in contact and say it really helped them, so I've decided to resurrect it as much as possible in the little free time I have these days. I'll give you a quick summary of what I've been doing the last couple of months, whilst I've been neglecting this blog and doing real things like earning a degree and getting a job.

Hecate Enthroned


For those of you who don't keep up with my life, I joined British Black Metal band Hecate Enthroned about six months ago. It's been great so far- getting to work with new people and make new friends, travel up and down the country regularly, played in Leipzig and Liverpool, recording our upcoming album back in Summer and touring the UK in December. 



Aeternum went through some pretty drastic line up changes earlier in the year, and I've spent a lot of time getting the new line up together, discussing the direction we want to go in and making sure Aeternum didn't die. We're currently writing new material and are starting gigging again in a fortnight. Rest assured, darkness will descend.


I've been playing bass, singing and composing for this project with my friend Dev for most of the year now, and I'm really happy with where it's going. I don't want to give too much away, but the stuff we've been writing is really emotional and atmospheric and completely different from anything I've ever done before. It's great! We'll record and release the demo once we're happy with all the material. I've no idea how long that'll take, but we really wanna make sure everything is perfect for this release. I can say it that will be entitled 'Words and Dust' and be four tracks long.

Along with this I've been contributing to various projects, including a guest spot on some friends' upcoming EP, singing live for Morktar and generally doing as much as possible in the free time I have. No rest for the wicked.

In conclusion, I've been really busy, and it's been fun. But I'm going to start posting on this blog again regularly. Expect good things! Soon!


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