Monday, 8 April 2013

Lessons learned this month from Aeternum…. (March gig reviews)

Well, what could one possibly learn from a regular lifestyle involving covering myself in pig’s blood and bellowing about Satan at a room full of inebriated and leather clad drunk people beside that it's a hell of a lot of fun?

A fair amount, it would seem.

It’s been fairly slow for Aeternum recently as compared with last year, given we’ve only been playing a gig or two per month and that in itself has been kind of a downer. But it has made me look forward to gigging a lot more when it does happen.

The first show of the two shows was March 2nd, supporting Enthroned at the Electrowerkz. Was really looking forward to it, as so many bands I like and am friends with were playing- it was promising to be an amazing day. So, as usual- wake up, head up the venue, hang around for a few hours, standard drill. Besides that we didn’t get given a soundcheck, and the sound guy didn’t deign to stay at the console, which turned what was actually a really good set into a mish-mash of sound that did us no justice and made the show a lot harder for all of us. Worse than this, I took my vocal pedal and decided not to use it as I thought I’d give the sound guy a chance. More fool me. Still, the audience reaction was great and really saved the show for me and all the other bands slayed! So not a totally wasted day, but still.

Here's a video from our set filmed by the lovely people at Metal Rules, check them out! (

So first lesson- always insist on a soundcheck and assume the sound guy is going to mess up, it just saves time. And if possible, always play with Verdelet and Ataud.

Gig two was April 6th opening up for Master at the Boston Arms in Tufnell Park. Looked to be a fairly good show, besides the fact we were playing at like 19.00 but we played at 17.30 at the Enthroned show and there was an amazing vibe there, so I figured what the hell, could be cool! But alas, I was wrong- started the set with like 4 people in the room, which is enough to put anyone off, kind of like an inverse nervousness thing. You end up thinking about why it’s worth it, trying harder to connect with the tiny crowd, getting nothing back and just kinda giving up. Well, I did at that show anyways. It wasn’t tragic, it was just painfully lacklustre. Again, the day was saved by our comrades in Cythraul’s set, and the few people I spoke with after the set who appreciated it- so not a total washout but depressing nonetheless. You’d think I’d be beyond this given how often I do these things? Aeternum shows are just a lot harder when you don’t feel like a psychotic murderer onstage.

        So, lesson two- be put off less by external things and focus more on what I’m doing when I know I’m clearly not helping myself.

It’s not all doom and gloom though! Our new EP “A Shrine To Abomination” is for all intents and purposes finished and we’re sending it off for printing in the next few days, am writing new material for the next release and there’s a whole world left to conquer. Exciting times ahead.


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