Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Need help with lyrics?

Here are a few things to get you un-stuck. These are by no means the be-all and end-all of what's out there, they're just the first things that came to mind as potentially being useful.

Brentalfloss - He's a guy with a background in music theatre and composition and he puts lyrics to video game songs (check out the rest of his channel, if interested). This is the first part of a series of really interesting videos he did called 'Lyrics 101', which he did to help you write lyrics. So watch them, they're really good and helpful despite how inapplicable they may be to your chosen artform.

An Online Rhyming Dictionary - this should be self explanatory.

A WikiHow page dedicated to overcoming writer's block - As with all WikiHow pages, what it says is obvious and cliched, but it could still apply to you. If nothing else at least it may get you thinking.

http://thesaurus.com/ - Again, hopefully self explanatory.


1 comment:

  1. Rhymezone recently got ousted for me by http://www.familyrhyme.com/ - gives perfect rhymes, and then partial rhymes in order of 'stability'. I also can't recommend this free course by Pat Pattinson enough: https://www.coursera.org/course/songwriting
    Even if you've written your fair share of songs, I'd still check out the lectures, as they may well give you a new angle to approach writing from, or help you zero in on the details of your songs.
